The first exploration of IMP was an intensive surface feature and outcrop mapping process guided by and Induced Polarization survey. That led to the Phase I drilling program using 27 boreholes identifying three vein zones ("N", "M" and "S" in the diagram to the right).
Subsequently, we used a Ground Magnetic Survey to identify more faults (possible veins), including the predicted source of the deposit (called the Anomaly or "Site A"), and a vein zone (called "Site B"), which ultimately led to the Phase II drilling program with 25 boreholes. See Drilling for details.
The clearest proof of the existence of a deposit has been provided by a group of unlicensed outside miners who opened the second cross-vein area of Ore down from the anomaly (see vein "B" adjacent), exposing a rich cross vein of 35% Lead and 65% Zinc ore running an estimated 1+ km east to west, and having a width of 1 to 4 meters, with stockworks of approximately 10 meters of width, projected to be of subterranean origin.
NOTE: The following diagrams and representations are generalizations of two reports provided by PT Anugerah International Mining Services (AIMS), based on two phases of Due Diligence drilling conducted by IMP using AIMS as the lead geological company under management of Miko intended to prove the existence of a significant deposit and its likely metal content, and is not based on a JORC compliant resource estimate. It is a professional opinion based on limited data as provided by AIMS.

A Pb: 5%
Zn: 3%
M -
B Pb: 9%
Zn: 18%
Zn: 17.3%
In November 2018, IMP received its final major mining permit, the land use permit (IPPKH) as granted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for 192 hectars.
In the first half of 2019, IMP has been pursuing final licensing and permitting activities, including the "DAS" for river management and tree replacement, and the RKAB mining plan, which must be approved locally, and which requires payment of a Reclamation Bond to be paid into a central fund to ensure that after mining reclamation occurs.
By the end of 2019, IMP MINERALS began mining and produced an initial 15,000 MT of ore by February 2020. The Covid Pandemic lockdown in Indonesia, however, forced PT IMP to shut down, and the mine has been shuttered since that time awaiting certainty of no further lockdowns. We currently plan to begin mining in Q4 of 2022, and start selling ore in Q1 2023.
By Q2 of 2023, once ore sales have begun, IMP will begin a fully JORC compliant exploration program focused on Site B where mining is currently occurring, to be completed by April Q1 2024.
The remaining mineralization zones exploration reports would proceed thereafter by Q3 2025, exploring the other identified veins and deposits as well as any other deposits that may later be identified (as shown in dotted blue lines below).
Such drilling, core testing and report writing would last around two years, extending to 100 meters of depth, requiring 200 boreholes (15,000 meters of drilling) and take approximately two years to complete. Combined, these two reports will represent a complete surface level (to 100 meters of depth) JORC compliant exploration report of the mineralization zone.
Once IMP has completed this full surface level JORC report, it will execute a second JORC compliant exploration report targeting deeper deposits below 100 meters targeting the anomaly and larger veins.
Deposit Boundaries for the current Resource Estimate of IMP Mine